We specialize in arranging Multi-Crore Term Loan and Working Capital finance to new Industries setting up their manufacturing facility in traditional and unique high tech fields through financial assistance from nationalized banks besides helping them to get cash subsidy or concessions under Rajasthan State Promotion Schemes depending on their eligibility or central government scheme.
The project presentation of our valued clients is formulated fulfilling the criteria for their eligibility. Considering our Finance portfolio reputed wholesalers are helped to get term loans from banks on attractive terms. We have also helped Hospitals getting finance for their high value equipment procurement and Ambulances equipped with lifesaving devices.
It has been realized that the performance of businesses greatly depends on availability of appropriate amount of finance at the right time on easy terms from nationalized banks. Often there are administrative bottlenecks or limitations faced by the Bank Officials in granting High value finance to their clients. We are competent enough to step in and negotiate with the Lead Bank to arrange Consortium Bank funding so that their business does not suffer for want of optimum finance needs unfulfilled.
Sometimes the promoters are considering Hi Tech plant and machinery which is departure from traditional manufacturing techniques. It calls for TEV Study involving exhaustive techno-feasibility report for the Banks to satisfy the technical aspects through their approved agency competent to do technical analysis and comment on the feasibility aspect of the project. The process raises enormous queries to fully understand the project and often there are suggestions made which need to be implemented in the project to get Techno-Feasibility clearance. In this respect we are deeply involved in between the agency and our client to make ground favorable for getting Bank Finance for the new or Expansion projects.
Our very methodical approach in presenting our clients profile giving their present and future business prospects is appreciated by the Banks. They understand that we bring to them only those clients who have real worth and potential to grow by adopting New Technology which shall help them in achieving higher production at significantly low production costs increasing their profitability as well as bravely facing the competition posed by big players.
Our Team Providing Support
Firm’s Area of Expertise:
The firm is engaged in the activities in the line of Corporate Law, Secretarial Compliance support, Tax Matters, Finance handling, audit and accountancy covering a wide range of sub activities related to the profession. The major and significant activities taken care from time to time by the organization are focused on ensuring that the clients do not suffer due to non-compliance of the prevailing rules and regulations in conducting their business and remain law abiding in whatever field they are engaged in.
We have defined various parameters to keep a check the way our clients are performance and can identify if there is any deviation is taking place leading to wrong path ignorantly followed by the client. Timely corrective steps save lot of botheration for the client later on.