Jambu Agrawal & Associates – Dynamism in Action
The decision of CA. Jambu Agrawal to turn his flourishing CA Practice in to Partnership firm in the year 2011 laid the foundation to give new direction to his professionalism which has demonstrated that his sound learning and abilities can be shared successfully by his chosen partners and create opportunities for training large number of articles in a proven successful environment. Coming Together of Professional Leaders:
1. CA. Jambu Agrawal:
Qualifications: B.Com, FCA
Membership No. 108202
Practicing Since: 11th May, 2000
He is the founding partner and has acquired professional strengths in sizing up the merits posed by any situation. He has been very selective in inducting in absolutely serious hardworking young men and women as the partners in his fast growing flagship firm M/s. Jambu Agrawal & Associates.

2. CA. Surendra Mittal:
Qualifications: B.Com, ACA
Membership No. 417665
Practicing Since: 12th April, 2012
He is based at Head Office, he specialized in auditing of Nationalized Banks and Corporate Clients. He is in contact with other partners carrying on internal audit function on behalf of the firm at the premises of big industrial houses engaged in various kinds of manufacturing activities. He is also looking after diverse Taxation portfolio of all the firm’s clients which includes primarily Income Tax, Sale Tax, Wealth Tax and Service Tax.

3. CA Deepti Dhakad:
Qualifications: M.Com, ACA
Membership No. 417379
Practicing Since: 1st April, 2012
She is based at Head Office and provides specialized service in handling scrutiny cases of the firm’s clients involving filing of preliminary objections supported by full facts during the hearing fixed by the Income Tax authorities to the clients. The pleading of cases requires well thought forceful arguments which are prepared covering up all the possible angles which the assessing officer may pose questions to establish and prove his doubts. The aim is always protecting the rights of the client in projecting his rightful activities in conduct of the business during the year under consideration. In most of the case the hearing takes place before the commissioner of Income tax considering the big size of most of our clients. All clients big and small are given equal attention in the matter handling their assessment proceedings.

4. CA. Girish Agarwal:
Qualifications: M.Com, ACA
Membership No. 411893
Practicing Since: 9th April, 2010
He is the senior most Chartered Accountant in the organization and is all-rounder and is representing the firm handling the internal auditing function of our two Major Clients. His seniority in the organization and sincere devotion is recognized by the clients as well as Ca Jambu Agrawal personally.

5. CA. Ashish Goyal:
Qualifications: M.Com. ACA
Membership No. 411687
Practicing Since: 5th April, 2010
He is an expert in handling Taxation and Company Compliance is respects of clients assigned to him. He also looking after internal audit function of the clients assigned to him.

6. CA. Harish Makheja:
Qualifications: B.Com. ACA
Membership No. 521443
Practicing Since: 22nd June, 2012
He is an expert in handling Taxation and Company Compliance is respects of clients assigned to him. He also looking after internal audit function of the clients assigned to him. The above mentioned professionally qualified persons are now managing the affairs of the firm hand in hand with its founder. These professionals were first groomed perfectly measuring to desired expectations to service the fast growing clients of the firm located in Kota and extending to the entire Hadoti Region. The real dynamism is observed and is gauged by the satisfaction to the clients who are far away but under the same professional care which CA. Jambu would have given personally.